Student Policies



  • Markham Timberwolves will not bully others.
  • Markham Timberwolves will help others that are being bullied by speaking out or getting adult help.
  • Markham Timberwolves will make an extra effort to include all students in activities.

Everyone at Markham School will help in promoting a safe and orderly school where empathy is exhibited by all individuals. Positive Reinforcement, through issuing Howling Successes, will be used when students exhibit the following;

C - Creatively try to think how you could help out.
A - Ask for help from friends, teachers and other adults.
R - Relate and join. Ask the victim or the bully to join in your game.
E - Empathy. Comfort and care for the victim.


Teachers in grades K-6 will teach and encourage students to use the restroom during recess; students in grades K-1 will be permitted to use the restroom during instructional time when necessary. Beginning in second grade the teacher may, at his or her discretion, limit restroom use to recess time only. In grades 3-6 students are expected to use the restroom during recess and will not be allowed to leave the classroom to use the restroom during instructional time unless there are extenuating circumstances. Teachers will also provide opportunities for restroom breaks during natural transitions with the school day (i.e. in route to the library, cafeteria, etc.) The staff at Markham Elementary School seeks the help of parents in reminding their children to use the restroom before school and believes that students can limit their bathroom use during recess, and as a result significantly reduce the number of interruptions to their instruction and their classmates'.

This policy will not apply to any student that has a medical condition which necessitates frequent restroom visits.


1.   Hats may not be worn indoors

2.   Clothing must be free of violent, vulgar, or obscene words or phrases, pictures or symbols.

3.   Undergarments and underwear must be covered.

4.   Inappropriate tops include but not limited to; midriff tops, crop tops, tube tops, halter tops, strapless stops.

5.   Shirts and blouses must cover the back to the shoulder blades and all of the stomach and cleavage. Straps should be at least one inch in width.

6.   Shorts, pants or skirts should be of an appropriate length. No open toed sandals.

7.   Clothing, backpacks, and other adornments, (e.g., belts hanging down) may not demonstrate or suggest gang-related symbols or colors. No bandanas or do-rags are allowed at school.

8.   No make-up

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